View Poll Results: Do you own a 996 GT, 997 GT, both, or neither?
I own a 996 GT car
AllanJ, BlkGT3, Boinkus44, cfjan, csmarx, FEKGT3, FFaust, fve, GG3, GreatWhiteNorth, hughp3, IPB-Autosport, ix_xi, jpeytonii, jttiii, KJinDC, landjet, lesta993, llevine7288, loworbitsi, lspector, ltcjmramos, M3EvoBR, naroescape, ninerguru, ohniner, pca7ggr, Phokaioglaukos, plimagt3, SH || NC, shedkept, Tedster, TomGT3, TwentySix, wapita
35 |
40.70% |
I own a 997 GT car
1Gunner, Asquared, ATL Fahrer, bluczak, bman, dbland6, Dell, Ebonyrsa, FTS, Glock Guru, grizfish, GT THRE, GT3DE, Izzone, KONWAKR, Larry Cable, Leigh2, lightweight, MJones, Mojo, NickW, notso5, PJS, PolarPorsche, Silverg, SMF32s, stujelly, tcracing, tcsracing1, Terry L, ToddB, Trackrat, TRAKCAR, volpenyc, zip465, zweebach
36 |
41.86% |
I own both a 996 and 997 GT
911S4, 930man, amaist, bperry, Canine64, CBCook, CWS, GT3Racerich, Kato58, OnPole, pranqster, Thusly
12 |
13.95% |
I own none of the listed here
3 |
3.49% |
I own a 991 GT3 (new option)
0 |
0% |
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