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Old 05-23-2011, 03:20 PM
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Default Re: First Settlers - VIR May 20-22

Originally Posted by Dell View Post
What a great weekend! Great to meet up with Fatih and Brian this weekend. Sorry about the BMW sending debris from the blown motor through your radiator Brian. At least we were able to slow you down by making you drive your wife's car!

That cloud of smoke from the blown motor in the BMW was so thick we almost had to come to a complete stop before moving through the cloud for fear of a car being stopped in the middle of the track!
Dell, great to meet you too! Wish we had more time together but it was a busy weekend for everyone. Next time....

The smoke was scary! I was car #2 to go through it and prayed that the car in front of me didn't stop or move over. 0 visibility is frightening especially at 100+ mph. Yeah, 5 laps was all I got in the GT2 thanks to a hole in the radiator. I was fortunate to discover it and not dump coolant on the track or damage the car.

Luckily I had my wife's Cayman S to drive. I had an absolute blast! I'd forgotten how much fun that car is to drive. There were several cars in my group that were running similar lap times and we were really going at it. To my surprise, I broke into the 2:14's. It was exhausting and my leg's bruised from bracing myself in the 3 point belts.

Originally Posted by SH || NC View Post
My quick write up on my weekend (link) +1 to Dell's comment; great to finally meet the 'register' guys.
Scott, great to meet you too! Sorry we were both part of the bad MoJo that surrounded us Friday morning. It was satisfying to see the on your face Saturday morning when you told me the bumper arrived and you were ready to go. It seemed to set the tone for the rest of the weekend which was ALL GOOD!

Originally Posted by FTS View Post
Dell's son was out for breaking the lap records in his little car, pedaling way with his helmet on, awesome sight.
That boy was too much! 3 years old cruising the paddork in his car, helmet and, or course, racing gloves! Dad must be reading him Dr. Seuss's Theory of Slip Angle for his bedtime story.
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