Originally Posted by TRAKCAR
In the end I corded my tires and ran out of pads to the point I ran of the track in T1.
reading how your brakes felt at the time you went off at T1, I would highly doubt it was the pads. Granted corded tires never help
, but I think your fluid went beyond normal temps.
Soft pedal is indication of overheated fluid, hard pedal with diminishing brake torque is overheated pads. Of course pads overheat first and pass than along to the caliper and fluid, but it takes a lot longer for the fluid to cool down to normal operating them than the pads. 50% pads is, corder tires, lots of track miles before hand are the best combination to go for 2:04s or 05s
I am glad you and car are alright, and thankfully it did not happen on T14
If you have data from that session or lap, send it to me, and I'll take a look at the traces and it might help the
ice mode discussion, although it does not sound like it.